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A Non-Violent Revolution

An historic event has happened tonight in America by electing Barack Obama as the first African-American president of the United States. We have finally elected a leader in the past 8 years that will lead us out of the dark ages and into the light, the sunshine. I feel better already.

This not only affects America but also the whole world. We really need some change.
Let's celebrate! =)

Congratulations Barack Obama!!!!!
It's so sad that his grandmother Madelyn Dunham passed away just a day before the election. I'm sure she's looking down from above and is very proud of him.

1 comment(s):

Farangis said...

Well, I'm not american but I guess the whole world was very interested in the election.
I wish him luck and to be able to get done what he things needs to be done. Because now I think it's getting even more interesting - Obama won't have it easy, that's for sure.

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